Monday, March 28, 2011

Some Salt: Pokémon Sites!

Hi it's me again! Today I've got some of my fav Pokémon sites to share, some are great, while some still need more attention, but all of them is very useful for any Trainer.

Bulbapedia: source of details
I go there whenever I get a ??? in my head, usually when it comes to a new Pokémon thingie that I can't figure out what it is (like Xtransceiver when B/W first came out in Japan), or when I write something that needs to be detailed, I drop a visit.

Serebii: big bro
Who don't know serebii? updated news all the time with everything Pokémonic, should be your place if you're looking for something specific, cuz you could lost in such a big informative place!

Veekun: just cool
I like their ItemDex, every Dex there is very simple, including the site design in general, they have some cool sprites and Sugimori Art to download too!

Pokécharms: simple wiki
Much like Bulbapedia but in a much simple tone, their Pokédex appearance is truly charming, but unfortunately, it's not fully functional at this time yet.

Pokéstadium: side fun
Make your own Trainer Card, or even create your own Pokémon with abilities and description and let people rate it! a lot of lil sprites of Trainers and Pokémon, I can go there to get an official artwork for my posts too!

DragonFlyCave: funniest ever!
This one is more like a personal Pokémon geeky fan-made site, only fun filled place, there are free quests scripts for webmasters too, I like their personality test, once you get the result you can put it in your signature! and there's more, go check it right now!!

It's like that surfing the web for Pokémon sites will never end, but we all know that sticking with only one or two sites is enough for our journey, I know I've left out some good sites this time, hope that I'll have another chance to list all of 'em down, until that time, Take Care!

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