Wednesday, March 16, 2011

B/W Legendaries: Part 2

Greetings Trainers!
I've been busy as usual, but this time it's about writing a walkthrough, don't really know when I'll finish, pretty much work to do, but I guess that's where the fun comes from.
Today I've got few things about these new Legendaries: The Kami Trio, The Tao Trio, Meloetta, Keldeo and Genesect.

The Kami Trio

From Left: #641 Tornadus (Cyclone Pokémon), #645 Landorus (Abundance Pokémon), # 642 Thundurus (Bolt Strike Pokémon).

Consists of:  Tornadus (Flying), Thundurus (Electric/Flying), and Landorus (Ground/Flying).
All male trio, based on the Japanese myth the Kami.
Tornadus and Thundurus are roaming Pokémon in the Unova Region, each are version excusive (Tornadus in Black, and Thundurus in White), they'll start roaming after the player listens to their story from an old lady on Route 7 while Landorus, the boss of this trio, can be caught in both versions at Abundant Shrine after obtaining both of the other two members.
All the Kami Trio members are weak to Ice attacks.
Tornadus is weak to Ice, Rock and Electric-Type attacks.
Thundurus is weak to Ice and Rock-Type  attacks.
The boss Landorus is double weak to Ice (x4), and also weak to Wate-Type attacks.

The Tao Trio
Consists of: Reshiram (Dragon/Fire), Zekrom (Dragon/Electric), and Kyurem (Dragon/Ice).
I've given something about Reshiram and Zekrom out before, so I'll skip that and head right to Kyurem.

#646 Kyurem (Boundary Pokémon)

Type: Dragon/Ice
Like Reshiram and Zekrom this Pokémon is a unique dual type, since there's no other Pokémon that bears the type as them, it can be caught at Giant Chasm, it's story according to Bulbapedia is "An old legend in Lacunosa Town describing Kyurem claims that it would take people and Pokémon away from the town and eat them; this is why the town is now surrounded by a giant wall. Another claim is that Kyurem is the corpse of the original Dragon Pokémon after it had split into Reshiram and Zekrom" yeah, for both claims: eww, but I liked the second.
This Pokémon's weak to Fighting, Rock, Steel, and Dragon-Type attacks.

#648 Meloetta (Melody Pokémon), An Event Pokémon

From Left: Aria form, Pirouette form
In the Aria form, it'll bear the types Normal/Psychic, while in the Pirouette form, it's type is Normal/Fighting, form changing can be only applied in battles using the move Relic Song, and will return to Aria form after the battle ends.
This Pokémon's weak to Bug and Dark-Type attacks.

#647 Keldeo (Colt Pokémon) An Event Pokémon

Type: Water/Fighting
Well, this Keldeo guy here's story is interesting, and you know that I like Water-Type.
This Pokémon is the unofficial member of  the Musketeer Quarter (may write 'bout 'em later, no worries they're not Legendareis), it is based on Kelpie, the water horse from Celtic folklore and the Unicorn, it have the highest Sp.Att amongst all the Fighting-Type.
This Pokémon's weak to Flying, Grass, Electric and Psychic-Type attacks.
**let's see how far can it get with EVs..whoa 392 for Sp.Att!! what a nice 'lil pony.

#649 Genesect (Paleozoic Pokémon) An Event Pokémon

Being discovered and modified by team Plasma, they've equipped it with a cannon, the player can change the type of it's attack move "Techno Blast" by giving Genesect different Drives to hold (much like Arceus, but Genesect itself's type won't change), and there're only 4 Drives which are Douse Drive, Burn Drive, Chill Drive, and Shock Drive, and if nothing was held, the Techno Blast's type is Normal. This Pokémon is based on the giant insect from the Paleozoic era.
This Pokémon's double weak to Fire-Type attacks.

That was fun to write about, oh don't forget to drop a comment if you like it!

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