Thursday, November 4, 2010

B/W Update: Legendaries

Here are the Legendaries of Black & White, there are others too, but that's for next time!

#0 Victini (Victory Pokemon)
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A legendary Pokemon, obtainable only on a special event, it's the number #494 Pokemon in the National Pokedex, and #0 in the Isshu Pokedex, which make it the First Pokemon to Have that number. Also Victini is the first Psychic-Fire type Pokemon.

#643 Reshiram (White Yang Pokemon)
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A legendary Pokemon, Obtainable only in Black (N's Castle), the first Pokemon of the Dragon-Fire type.

#644 Zekrom (Black Yin Pokemon)
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A legendary Pokemon, Obtainable only in White (N's Castle), the first Pokemon of the Dragon-Electric type.

So what do you think? Are they cool? bad? or so- so?
Leave your comment and let me know!
If  you googled and found the same on PCWorld Magazine's website, you can be sure that I didn't steal anyone's post and just paste it here, because that post is simply mine.
Don't Forget To Keep Checking, Huge Stuffs Are On The Way! Bye!

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