Wednesday, November 3, 2010

B/W Update: Starter's Evolutions

Black & White Differences
The differences between the two versions are no longer only in Pokemon encountering, but some trainers that you'll battle in each version differs and also their battle styles, there even a different city, in Black there is
a battle city named "Black City", while in White the same location is named "White Forest" a place where you can catch rare Pokemon. The 8th Gym Leader in Black is an old man named "Shaga" While in White, the Gym Leader is a young girl named "Iris", there are several more differences as well.

Shaky Grass & Dark Grass
Almost forgot to mention the shaky grass, in any place that you can see some grass squares, sometimes it may shake, this mean that you'll encounter a rare Pokemon if you step on it, and there is also the dark grass square that when stepped on, two Pokemon will be appeared at once.

Now to the main updates!
Starters evolutions
#1 Tsutarja
Posted Image
Name: Tsutarja (Grass Snake Pokemon)
Type: Grass
Evolves At Level: 17
Evolves Into: Janovy

#2 Janovy
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Name: Janovy (Grass Snake Pokemon)
Type: Grass
Evolves At Level: 36
Evolves Into: Jalorda

#3 Jalorda
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Name: Jalorda (Royal Pokemon)
Type: Grass
Evolves At Level: -
Evolves Into: -

#4 Pokabu
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Name: Pokabu (Fire pig Pokemon)
Type: Fire
Evolves At Level: 17
Evolves Into: Chaoboo

#5 Chaoboo
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Name: Chaoboo (Fire pig Pokemon)
Type: Fire-Fight
Evolves At Level: 36
Evolves Into: Enbuoh

#6 Enbuoh
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Name: Enbuoh (Large Fire pig Pokemon)
Type: Fire-Fight
Evolves At Level: -
Evolves Into: -

#7 Mijumaru
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Name: Mijumaru (Sea Otter Pokemon)
Type: Water
Evolves At Level: 17
Evolves Into: Futachimaru

#8 Futachimaru
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Name: Futachimaru (Training Pokemon)
Type: Water
Evolves At Level: 36
Evolves Into: Daikenki

#9 Daikenki
Posted Image
Name: Daikenki (Dignity Pokemon)
Type: Water
Evolves At Level: -
Evolves Into: -

I think I'll get myself a Mijumaru when the game releases in the US, if you have any questions, can you post it, and I'll try to answer, that's is for today! Thank you for reading this, till the next update, bye!

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