Sunday, January 2, 2011

B/W Update: The 5th Gym Leader

Hello! My first post of 2011!
Hot news! it have been confirmed that the Unova Region is based on NY, this will make it the first region ever based on any real world location other than Japanese.
Now right to what I've got!

#5 Hodomoe City's Gym
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Gym Leader: Yacon
Specialty: Ground Type
Badge: Quake Badge
He owns a level 29 Waruvile, also a level 29 Gamagaru, and a level 31 Doryuuzu.
#552 Waruvile
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Name: Waruvile (Desert Croc Pokémon)
Type: Ground/Dark

#536 Gamagaru
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Name: Gamagaru (Vibration Pokémon)
Type: Water/Ground

#530 Doryuuzu
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Name: Doryuuzu (Deep Earth Pokémon)
Type: Ground/Steel

I'd really like to know what everybody else thinks about Doryuuzu, it's so cool if you ask me, so post a comment and share your thoughts. Bye!

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