Thursday, December 2, 2010

B/W Update: 2nd-4th Gym Leaders & Screenshots

Hi again guys, it's been awhile since the last update, and since I've some time for this now, I though I'd add some extra stuffs into it, like extra two Gym Leaders, and a brief info about the Dream World feature, along with some screenshots I've got so far from trying out the Black version on No$GBA
, I said "trying" because I cant really "play" it, that's because the anti-piracy of Nintendo is really tough this time, so don't expect that you'll play it flawlessly, even with the action replay codes for saving the game and fix random crashes (available at my blog), it'll still crash occasionally, and if that occurs, you'll lose your last save.
All of this will deliver a very clear message that says: Don't try to play our game on an emulator, it'll never work, buy it instead and play on a DS.
Sure, peoples who disagree are exists, and will keep making new patches.
So before we start I'd like to bring the latest news to you, the Isshu Region name in the US version will be "Unova", also the Starter's names has been confirmed as the following:
Tsutarja> Snivy
Pokabu> Tepig
Mijumaru> Oshawot
Ok, ready for the updates? never mind...

#2 Shippou City's Gym
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Gym Laeder: Aloe
Gym Badge: Basic Badge
Specialty: Normal-Type
She owns a level 18 Hadaria, and a level 20 Miruhog.

#013 Hadaria
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Type: Normal
Level: 18

#011 Miruhog
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Type: Normal
Level: 20

#3 Hiun City's Gym
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Gym Laeder: Atei-Arti
Gym Badge: Beetle Badge
Specialty: Bug-Type
The Gym Leader of the biggest city in the region, owns a level 21 Hoiiga, a level 21 Ishizumai, and a level 23 Hahakomori.

#050 Hoiiga
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Type: Bug/Poison
Level: 21

#063 Ishizumai
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Type: Bug/Rock
Level: 21

#048 Hahakomori
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Type: Bug/Grass
Level: 23

4#Raimon City's Gym
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Gym Laeder: Kamitsure
Gym Badge: Bolt Badge
Specialty: Electric-Type
She owns two Emonga and both at level 25, and a level 27 Zeburaika.

#093 Emonga
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Type: Electric/Flying
Level: 25

#029 Zeburaika
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Type: Electric
Level: 27

The Dream World Feature
To use it, you'll have to create an account at a website called, currently available only in Japanese.
You'll be inside your house, in a dreamy floating island, there is a garden where you can grow berries, and believe it or not, your friends can water them for you.
Your friends can visit your island and vice-versa, so you can trade Pokemon, and Items.
There is also various areas to explore, you can earn some Dream Points too by completing tasks.
However, you're allowed to visit the Dream World once every 24 hours, one hour a time.

Here are the screen shots by me:
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The first time you're out, maybe some of you had already saw how it looks like in the morning, so I've putted this one as a change.

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Few steps south from your home.

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This looks much better if you saw those leaves carried by the wind in the game, you can no longer see this, since the winter has came.

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The Pokemon Center is much bigger now.

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The Sanyou City (I guess, didn't look at the map).

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A conversation...
Hey! that's my name!
Whew... OK, Till Next Time, Take Care!

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